Navigational Bar

Maternity - Baby Elijah || Manchester Meadows Park, Rock Hill SC

When I first started doing maternity shoots, it captured my interest. I have always loved family shoots, senior shoots and engagement shoots, but never really thought about maternity. Let me just say… I have no idea what I was thinking! Why you may ask? Because I LOVE MATERNITY SESSIONS!!! I had an AMAZING time with Sheng and her family for this totally adorable maternity session.
We decided to do a morning shoot, so the lighting was perfect and the weather wasn't to hot, since it is the middle of July.. for goodness it's hot during the daytime! I had never taken photos at this particular location before, but might I just say that it is my most FAVORITE places to shoot now! All the photos are gorgeous to say the least, and the subjects are pretty gorgeous too ;) We did a couple more candid shots and I absolutely LOVED them! I loved working with this amazing family and can't wait to meet little Baby Elijah when he makes his appearance into the world. I loved the way all these turned out and hope you enjoy because I definitely do!

Until next time…
Clarissa -  Artist and Aspiring Photographer

{Baby Elijah - Maternity}